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国庆节放假通知 Notice of National Holiday

时间:2018-09-29 16:40:00 来源: 点击量:

2018年国庆节放假时间为10月1日至10月7日, 共7天。

The National Day Holiday in 2018 is from 1st to 7th October, 7 days in



Students will have Thursday's classes on 29th September (Saturday),and Friday's classes on 30th September(Sunday).


All the students will have classes as usual from 8th October.


Safety Tips

1. 不酗酒,不扰民,不滋事,不去酒吧聚众喝酒。

Do not drink alcohol; do not disturb the people; do not cause trouble. Don’t gather together to drink in a bar.

2. 外出时注意随身携带护照。

Carry your passport when you go out.

3. 注意防火、防盗,离开房间时要切断水电,关好窗户,锁好房门。

Pay attention to fire prevention and anti-theft, and make sure cut off the power and water supply. Shut the windows and lock the door when you leave your room.

4. 要遵守交通规则,文明出行,文明过马路,文明驾驶;不酒驾,不疲劳驾驶,不独自搭乘黑摩的、黑出租;不购买、不骑行、不乘坐无牌无证的两轮摩托、电动(燃油)三轮摩托车和电动自行车。

Obey the traffic rules when traveling, crossing roads and driving. No drunk driving and fatigue driving. Do not take unlicensed taxis alone. Do not buy, ride, or take unlicensed motorcycles.


Students who stay in the school please cut off the power and lock the doors and windows when you leave the room, to prevent fires, theft and other incidents.

6. 在遇到抢劫、行凶、盗窃、电子诈骗等重大事件时,请及时拨打公安报警电话110。如遇火警,请拨打电话:119。如遇交通事故或意外伤病需要急救时,请拨打救护电话:120。

In the event of robbery, violence, theft, electronic fraud and other events, please call the police 110. Fire Police is 119. Please call 120 when you encounter traffic incidents or accident injuries.

7. 假日期间同学们如果遇到什么问题,请与办公室老师联系。

During the holidays, if you meet any problems, please comtact the teacher.

8. 假期留校的学生若外出旅游,须向老师报告;假期留校并且住在校内的学生,若不住宿舍,需向住宿中心报告。

Those students who stay here for the National Holiday should tell the teacher if go traveling in other places; those students who stay here for the National Holiday and live in the dormitory should tell the housing office if they are not living in the dormitory.

9. 请勿将个人门禁卡,房门钥匙借给其他学生或外校学生。

Do not lend your personal access card or door key to other students or students in other schools.

10. 手机务必保持畅通。离校外出前,一定要把个人去向及联系方式告知辅导员、舍友及家长,并务必保持通讯工具畅通,以便遇有情况能够及时发现并协助处理解决。

The phone must be kept clear. Before leaving school, be sure to inform the counselors, roommates and parents about their whereabouts and contact information, and be sure to keep the communications tools open so that you can be found in time and we can help solve your problem.

11. 警惕过分热情的陌生人。不轻信陌生人言行,不轻易饮用或食用陌生人的饮料、食物;不随便接受陌生人提包、买票、照看东西等帮助。对于涉世未深的大学生来说,防人之心不可无。

Be wary of overzealous strangers. Do not believe in the words and deeds of strangers; do not easily drink or eat stranger's beverages, food; do not just accept strangers to carry bags, buy tickets, look after things and other help. For college students who are inexperienced, the defense of others cannot be avoided.

12. 出行时,最好不要携带大量现金和贵重物品,背包一定要放在视野范围内,或者交给同伴看管。

When traveling, you had better not carry a large amount of cash and valuables. The backpack must be placed in sight or given to peers.


Your class will begin on October 8. Every student must attend the classes on time. Have a nice holiday!


Students' Affairs Office

School of International Education