7月29日至30日,为表彰我校在“中外伙伴高校体育文化交流活动”中的优异表现,来自马来西亚、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦等7个不同国家的10名国际学生受邀前往成都,参加由教育部指导, 成都大运会执委会宣传部(开闭幕式部)主办,成都传媒集团承办的“青春力量·别Young精彩”成都大运会高校运动季活动。




Anjum Usama Bin from Pakistan:
I was fortunate to represent my university and attend the exchange meeting for the FISU World University Games held in Chengdu. Over the two days and one night trip to Chengdu, I gained insight into the local Bashu culture and traditional Chinese culture more broadly. Chengdu was an excellent choice to host these games, as the city strongly represents core traditional Chinese values, while also providing a chance for Chengdu to shine on the global stage. As a foreigner, I was deeply moved by this. As the motto says, "Chengdu, Makes dreams come true." I hope the athletes can leave their mark on their youth and bring honor to their countries. Good luck to all of them.
Cultural Experiences
I want to thank the teachers for providing us this travel opportunity. Visiting the sports museum helped us better understand the ongoing events, and was a good chance to make new friends. Thank you for the lovely accommodations and delicious food. I hope there will be more opportunities like this in the future!
During my time in Chengdu, I learned a lot about the local Bashu culture and Chinese traditions. Highlights included sampling Sichuan cuisine, seeing giant pandas up close at the research base, and exploring the ancient narrow alleyways. Chengdu and its residents were incredibly welcoming, allowing me to experience Olympic-level sports combined with Chinese customs and culture.
Closing Thoughts
Attending the World University Games exchange meeting in Chengdu gave me unforgettable memories and appreciation for sports, culture, and international friendship. As an international student, I felt great pride in China for hosting this tremendous event. I am thankful I had the chance to visit Chengdu and connect with people through our shared love of sport. It was an honor to be part of the meeting.
Abdoul Maliki Nouhou Sani from Niger:
During these two days in Chengdu, we not only learned a lot about traditional Chinese culture but also about the local culture. A quiet city full of embodiment, I think the choice of this city was the best one. The embodiment of traditional Chinese culture also gave Chengdu the opportunity to rise on the international scene, which was a surprise for me. The whole city of Chengdu was decorated with the slogan "Chengdu realizes the dream". During this stay we not only learned a lot about the event and traditional Chinese culture, but also met students from different cities and universities with whom we shared our experiences and knowledge of student life in general and China in particular. I would like to thank the school for having given us this excellent opportunity, I will study hard professional knowledge and Chinese culture,tell more people in the world about good stories of China.
Chen Yong Wen from Malaysia:
在这两天一夜的成都行,我了解了不少当地的巴蜀文化以及中国的传统文化,而且这次的大运会在成都举行是一个非常英明的选择,因为成都这座城市也满满体现了一些中国的核心传统文化,也让成都有机会登上国际舞台,身为外国人的我也为此感到震撼不已。正所谓“成都 成就梦想”,希望大运会的运动员可以为自己的青春留下足迹,也为自己的国家争光,加油运动员们!
Aurelia Gracia Mota from Indonesia:
我感到非常幸运,因为这个机会很难得。 虽然时间很短,但我学到了很多东西,但我觉得还是很难忘的。 这项活动通过 FISU 会议确实有助于学生和学校之间的沟通。 我认为成都是举办国际大体联的合适城市。 这个城市非常干净,人们很友好,城市美丽、凉爽、宁静。 在那里我了解了当地的传统和成都这座城市。 我们还被邀请到体育场并解释了FISU的历史。 我们还去了成都著名的湖泊之一,这是一次难忘的经历,最后,我要感谢大家,也希望类似的活动能够多多举办,并带来良好的国际关系。 我也会把中国人民的勤劳善良友好的美德传递给我的国家,让更多的人了解中国。
Soh Ke Xin from Malaysia:
非常感谢主办方与学校给予此次机会,让我们能体验到成都这座城市的魅力。同时,此次活动也让我了解到跨文化交流的重要性,让我能跳出固有的思维框架与不同国家的青年们交流,获益良多。虽然行程只有短短两天,但是通过参观大运会博物馆、大媒体中心以及夜游锦江,无一不在我们心目中留下深刻的印记。在了解到大运会的发展历程后,我们深刻感受到世界对大学生的无限期许与展望。在参观大媒体中心时,亦发现了团体合作的重要性,一场赛事能如此耀眼地展现于人前, 除了有运动员们也有幕后的媒体工作者们。而在夜游锦江时,让我最陶醉的是背景音乐“成都”这首歌与岸上成都街道的完美契合。成都,一座魅力无限的城市,希望将来有机会能再到此游玩。